Taurus House is Ownes by
Venus (Sukra). Moon sign (Rashi)
Taurus means
that Moon was present in
Taurus Sign in birth time. If you do not know your moon
sign, Please
generate free Horoscope Prediction to know this. Please note that this
is not Western Sun sign based prediction.
Moon Astro Brings Free monthly report for
Taurus Moon Sign.This prediction
is based on Indian Vedic Moon sign (Rashi) based astrology.
Taurus Vrish, november 2024: Health Prediction
The first week of November your healthwill be in medium condition. You dont need to be worried about your physicalcondition. Apparently the first half of the month you can be tension free. Inthe third week of the month your spouse may be ill. So you may have to take avery good care of her. Though your health will be going good through the entiremonth, the condition of your wifes health may deteriorate in the last week. Soyou may have extra tension for her.
Taurus Vrish, november 2024: Business and Job Prediction
The first day of the month the job holdershave a possibility of getting promoted. The entire week would be going brightfor the servicemen. But the businessmen may have some trouble with theirbusiness. Even the businessmen dealing with loans, may have some downfallwithin 15th of November. The third week may bring some good hope forthe businessmen. The servicemen will do good this week. But at the date of 25thor 26th you may have some disagreement in your office & for thebusinessmen it is hard to make profit.
Taurus Vrish, november 2024: Financial Prediction
On the first two or three days you mayhave some financial loss at your work. But at the same time you can be able toget some liquid cash in your hand. For the travel agent there is hardly anychance to get good income on the second week of the month. But the otherbusinessmen may able to make good business. For the service person the thirdweek will be going good financially. May be in the third week you may have tospend some money for illness. But there is some possibilities to get theoutcome of your work as well. At the final week you may lose some amount inyour transaction. But on the 29th or 30th you would getsome chances to compensate your loss.
Taurus Vrish, november 2024: Educational Prediction
The entire month will be going in a mediumphase in study. You may get some chances to express your talent & it canchange your month. You may be motivated to do more study. Even at the extremeend of the month you may get a great inspiration regarding your study & youmay make it so fruitful that you may earn some respect.
Taurus Vrish, november 2024: Social Life Prediction
You may inspired by some religious vibes& your mind may be cum at the first week of the month. You social lifewould be going good as you may able to do some good social work. So you may beawarded by some respect & social crown. At the second half of the month youcan feel so fulfilment with the love & affection of your friends. Youfriends may give you some amazing moment with their involvement.
Taurus Vrish, november 2024: Love and Married Life Prediction
At the second week your married life mayhamper. There may arrive some hindrances in your family that will cost yourmental peace. The half of the month may be go tiring for your conjugal life.You both may fight over some trivial issues. Especially the health of your wifemay not be so good. So you both may be depressed. But at the end of the monthyour love relation would be giving you some pleasure. You can have someopportunity to spend some time together. So all of your bitterness of theentire month may be gone soften down.