Scorpio House is Ownes by
Mars (Mangal). Moon sign (Rashi)
Scorpio means
that Moon was present in
Scorpio Sign in birth time. If you do not know your moon
sign, Please
generate free Horoscope Prediction to know this. Please note that this
is not Western Sun sign based prediction.
Moon Astro Brings Free monthly report for
Scorpio Moon Sign.This prediction
is based on Indian Vedic Moon sign (Rashi) based astrology.
Scorpio Vrischika, november 2020: Health Prediction
This month your health condition is goingto be normal. More or less you would be fit & fine. Your mental health maygive you some trouble at the end of the month. But you have to take a very goodcare of you wife, because she has a chance to fall sick twice in this month.For the first time she will be unwell at the second week. You have to cure her.The she would again be ill at the third week. So she will need you more thanusual. You should be there for her & give some care & affection.
Scorpio Vrischika, november 2020: Business and Job Prediction
For the policemen the first day of themonth is going to be so fruitful that you can be promoted & earn lots ofrespect. So the first week is going to be very relaxing. Even for everyserviceman the first week of the month is very good. For the businessmen it isgoing to be little bit hectic. You may not get the expected outcome from yourwork till the second week. The servicemen may have some argument on the 2ndweek. But there is a chance to get some hindrances in new projects. For thejewellery or the medicine dealers the third week is going to be very special. Thelast week may be another happy week for the servicemen. The may be promoted& credited with so much dignity & prizes. For the travel agents it maybe a week of loss.
Scorpio Vrischika, november 2020: Financial Prediction
The first 15 or 16 days may be more orless good financially. You will have lots of possibilities to make money &you can be able to grab it. But in the third week you may be going through somefinancial lose in your trade. So this loss may be extended to next week. Youshould be calculative this time. Though you may have some possibilities to earnbut you can be failing. The last week can be very crucial for your financialbalance.
Scorpio Vrischika, november 2020: Educational Prediction
From the very first of the month your studymay be in a smooth way. As the month goes, you would be more attentive to yourstudy. So in the third week you will have some chances to get better resultthan before. So you should be preparing yourself & study a lot from thebeginning.
Scorpio Vrischika, november 2020: Social Life Prediction
Your friend circle may bring luck for youin the first week. You may have some help of them & you would be succeedingin your new projects. On the other hand you may increase your enemy. The lastweek of the month may be dangerous for you as your relative may try to harmyou.
Scorpio Vrischika, november 2020: Love and Married Life Prediction
The entire month may be smooth for yourconjugal life or love life. Though you may face some complexity with yourpartner but it can be negotiable when you will get so much love & affectionfrom them. You can share your problems with them & you can grow a goodbonding with each other throughout the month.