Pisces House is Ownes by
Jupyter (Guru). Moon sign (Rashi)
Pisces means
that Moon was present in
Pisces Sign in birth time. If you do not know your moon
sign, Please
generate free Horoscope Prediction to know this. Please note that this
is not Western Sun sign based prediction.
Moon Astro Brings Free monthly report for
Pisces Moon Sign.This prediction
is based on Indian Vedic Moon sign (Rashi) based astrology.
Pisces Meena, november 2024: Health Prediction
This month your health will be in apositive condition. You dont need to fate any complexity with your body. Somemental depression may come to you on the second & the fourth week of themonth. But your business will turn it into positive energy. You can be relaxedthroughout the month with the condition of your health. You can be able to bein a systematic life style which would help you keep your body fit & fine.
Pisces Meena, november 2024: Business and Job Prediction
You would be succeeded at your work on thefirst week but slowly. The businessmen will make profit & the servicemenmay be in some medium position. You can damage your work by your mistakes. Youmay be sloth at the send & third week. So your works may be delayed. The lastof the month you may have some pressure of your work & sometimes you may befailed despite of your hard work.
Pisces Meena, november 2024: Financial Prediction
The first two or three days may give yougood income. But on the date of 5th or 6th you may losesome money for your own mistakes. But if you can be attentive to your work youmay get that money back. At the second week you may feel some deficiency ofmoney. So you can be borrowing from others. Again on the date of 12thor 13th you may be in a stable condition financially. You have tospend some money for the health of your child. On the date of 18thyou may get a good amount of money. At the fourth week you may again be inpressure for economical position.
Pisces Meena, november 2024: Educational Prediction
At the first week you may have goodresults of your exams. You may find some new possibilities for which you haveto be motivated a lot. But at the last week it may be a little bit hectic foryour new study material. If you are having some new study related work to do atthe end of the month, then you should do it on the first half of the month.Over all the month will be good for study.
Pisces Meena, november 2024: Social Life Prediction
At the second week you may be involved insome debate. So your anger may be high. On the date of 15th you maybe cheated by somebody. After 15th November you would be credited byso much respect from your society. Your political social view would bedignified by your society. At the end of the month you may make some goodfriends. Your friends will give you satisfaction with their helping hand &love & affection.
Pisces Meena, november 2024: Love and Married Life Prediction
Though the first week will be good for therelations the second week you my face some argument with your wife. so you maybe in some tension t
Pisces Meena, november 2024: ill
the mid of the month. After that you may findsome peace from your conjugal life. The third week will be peaceful. The lastweek of the month you peace of married life will be increased.