Gemini House is Ownes by
Mercury (Budh). Moon sign (Rashi)
Gemini means
that Moon was present in
Gemini Sign in birth time. If you do not know your moon
sign, Please
generate free Horoscope Prediction to know this. Please note that this
is not Western Sun sign based prediction.
Moon Astro Brings Free monthly report for
Gemini Moon Sign.This prediction
is based on Indian Vedic Moon sign (Rashi) based astrology.
Gemini Mithun, may 2024: Health Prediction:
The initial days of the first week of May might bring youstress and anxiety, though your physical health may be wholesome, only beattentive as there are chances of you being hurt or wounded unexpectedly. Thereare probabilities of your mother's health to be deteriorating at this time ofthe month. The second week may bring you invigorating health. The rest of themonth may bring you good physical and mental health, but your mother's healthmay regress.
Gemini Mithun, may 2024: Business and Job Prediction:
The start of the month may find you to be distracted andinattentive in your job, resulting in dissatisfaction regarding your job orwork, but as the month progresses towards the second week, you may find yourluck supporting you in your job. For businessmen, this time of the month maybring you luck. The second week may again bring you luck in your job andbusiness dealings. The third week may find you to be indulged in confrontationswith your colleagues or employer and if you are a businessman, youre new tradingand merchandising may not bring you the desirable profit. The rear of the monthmay be fairly well for your job but your business dealings might suffer a lossdue to any unfavourable issues.
Gemini Mithun, may 2024: Financial Prediction:
The first week of May might find you to be struggling withyour finance, you may lose money due to inattentiveness, and also, you may beunable to save money. The second week may be unfavourable for your finance asthe month progresses towards the fourth week, you may be satisfied with yourfinancial condition. You may gain cash or funds during the initial days of thefourth week, but the midweek may find you to be losing money, which might bestable at the tip of May.
Gemini Mithun, may 2024: Educational Prediction:
Fortunately, this month of May might be lucky enough for youto be successful in your education and studies.
Gemini Mithun, may 2024: Social Life Prediction:
The first week of May might find you to be indulged in discordwith your family members and your wife. There are chances of you losingsomething valuable or someone might steal something important during thisperiod. Also, your kids may bring you happiness. The second week may bring you tobe eager for the company of your friends, also your friends may be ofassistance to you. You may be cheated too during this period. Also, you mightfind your conscience troubled due to the feeling of guilt for some reason. Thethird week may find you to be interested in the community and social services, butfor politicians, this time of the month may bring you defamation. The initialdays of the fourth week may find your wishes to be fulfilled, your enemiesmight cause hindrances and your honour may be maligned by false accusations. Asthe month progresses towards its tip, you might find an opportunity to traveland assistance of an honest friend. Also, you might be distressed due tofamilial conflicts.
Gemini Mithun, may 2024: Love and Married Life Prediction:
The month of May might bring you bliss and contentmentregarding your love life. For married couples, the first half of the month maybring you happiness and satisfaction, but the rear of the month may beunfavourable for you, also you may have disagreements with your partner.