Gemini Moon Sign Mithun Rashi june 2024 Monthly Prediction

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Gemini moon sign Mithun rashi Aries  House is Ownes by Mars (Mangle). Moon sign (Rashi) Aries  means that Moon was present in Aquarius Sign in birth time. If you do not know your moon sign, Please generate free Horoscope Prediction to know this. Please note that this is not Western Sun sign based predictionGemini  House is Ownes by (Sukra). Gemini Moon sign (Mithun Rashi) means that Moon was present in Gemini  Sign in birth time. If you do not know your moon sign, Please generate free Horoscope Prediction to know this. Please note that this is not Western Sun sign based prediction.

Moon Astro Brings Free monthly report for Gemini  Moon Sign.This prediction is based on Indian Vedic Moon sign (Rashi) based astrology.

Gemini Moon Sign or Mithun Rashi, 1st june 2024 to 7th june 2024:

This month of June heralds a time of despair for you. So your business of food items will run on a loss. But elsewhere your other regular works of routine will be as usual and good.At this time you are quite busy with performing your responsibility in your job. This time you could have a wider responsibility in that field. You may experience a merry time with your relatives. At the very starting point of this month your expenses are on a high scale. If you are serving at any government office then you may have a good time. This is also true for you if you are in law business.The harm in your life is mostly to be done by some relatives of yours. This might leave your mind scattered. At a loss, you might be lacking enthusiasm in your professional work.Your suffering is something that is quite obviously seen. This would be in terms of your health. To have a refreshed health back, or to have other things of life, you may spend a lot this week.A bad health is always a turn off for a good living. This is a period when your eyes will lose its lustrous look and may have an illness. Moreover you have a chance to be attacked by an ailing stomach as well.You are a man with a heart of a tourist. So it is natural that you will take pleasure in traveling. This a an awesome period of your life with a good luck in the fields of academics and job. But you will have some minor tension regarding your children.

Gemini Moon Sign or Mithun Rashi, 8th june 2024 to 14th june 2024:

Your daughters wedding is one of the major tensions you have. For this purpose a huge amount of wealth is getting spent. But you are not alone in this situation, but have a group of friends along with you.You can have now some purposes which might call for little major expenditure. Your daughter is now to get married soon. However you are not totally left a destitute. Your friends are quite a help to you, both mentally and economically.Of this time nothing much is discerned about your life or luck. But whatever is seen, the assumption follows that you might have dissatisfaction in your occupation. It is true of you are a dealer of clothes or medicine.Your relatives may provide you with extra new tensions to ponder upon. And as time proceeds you will only have improvement in terms of your occupation. You have an ordinary amount of salary. A healthy living is something absent now.It will be better if you do not expect much for your salary amount. Your income is rather gloomy. You might not expect even a sound health for a time being. You are excited to think about your relatives. Though you thought it to be a short cut to success, taking a dishonest way will only end up in your loss of money. But your job is being done well by you. Your political urge is greater these days.Ironically your bad name will be the reason for your fame now. However your rivals are the ones who would spread a wrong rumor about you. An expansion of stress is noted.

Gemini Moon Sign or Mithun Rashi, 15th june 2024 to 21st june 2024:

After some gloomy days your dedication to work will be instrumental in bringing back your lost respect in work place. You will soon have respect. No negative issue is discerned in your job.Apart from your monthly salary your income from other ways will increase. Moreover the good news is that you may do notably well both in your business and in your job.It is likely that you have certain wishes now for your future life. In earlier times your dreams may not have been fulfilled. But those sad times are gone. Now they might be satisfied.There is a great chance of your health falling down. The major chance is that you may have been examined with a brain problem. This might be only the primary stage.For a long time your friends were helping you. Now you may take more help from them. You are now really bereft of any peace. Especially in your domestic life your life is full of negativity.You may not be complaining about your job. Even your academic progress is also without any postponement. Your child is the only reason of your depression. A pleasure tour is near to occur.On one hand your life is full of domestic problem. On another you may feel happy to have a romantic relationship.

Gemini Moon Sign or Mithun Rashi, 22nd june 2024 to 30th june 2024:

At time like this your every problem will be solved by some magical power. The hazard in business may be concluded too. Your domestic peace is something that may not be broken for some trivial reason. But your relatives are just out of control and would argue with you a lot.soon a period of family feud is impending for you. A minimum income is expected for you at this moment.A severe family problem may distract you from your sole purpose. This may disturb your soul as well for a long term. Your salary is medium only.Now a long vacation is approaching for you. And you may have the opportunity to spend this vacation in some distant island or at some sun burnt beach. A well played strategy in politics may make you famous over night. Now you have a confidence in yourself and this might make you less worried.You are better to expect a gathering of relatives at your home in one or two days. It is said that you have recovered a lot in your business. You may have just a moderate salary. An enormous pressure of work is expected to prevail over you for some days.

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