Gemini House is Ownes by
Mercury (Budh). Moon sign (Rashi)
Gemini means
that Moon was present in
Gemini Sign in birth time. If you do not know your moon
sign, Please
generate free Horoscope Prediction to know this. Please note that this
is not Western Sun sign based prediction.
Moon Astro Brings Free monthly report for
Gemini Moon Sign.This prediction
is based on Indian Vedic Moon sign (Rashi) based astrology.
Gemini Mithun, april 2020: Health Prediction:
You may feel depression in the first part of the month. Theend of the first week may lead you to have ill health, but your mental healthmay find contentment. Though there are prospects of your mental health maysuffer towards the midmonth. Also, physically you might feel subdued, but itmay recover, and eventually you may be fit. Only stay cautious, for you mightbe wounded unexpectedly. The third week may bring you stress regarding yourrelatives and daughter, which may subside in time. The fourth week may bringyou modest health both physically and mentally. Only in the concluding days ofApril, you may have stomach troubles.
Gemini Mithun, april 2020: Business and Job Prediction:
The start of April may be lucky for those who areservicemen, but if you are a trader or dealer and businessmen, this time maynot be profitable for you. Also, there are chances of you being intoconfrontations with your colleagues or employer in your job. Still, your serviceplace may be lucky, whereas the business sector may be adequately successfultill the end of April.
Gemini Mithun, april 2020: Financial Prediction:
The very start of the month may lead you to spend yourmoney, but it may recover in time. The second week may bring you a profit ofmoney, only to lose it during this second week. The midmonth may be lucky foryour economic growth. The third week may find yourself losing money, but youmay recover the loses making your finance adequate. Later in the fourth week, thoughyou might be in debt, your financial condition may be lucky at the rear of themonth.
Gemini Mithun, april 2020: Educational Prediction:
The first week might be full of hurdles and obstacles in theway of your education. The midmonth may also be of stress for you. The close ofthe month may turn lucky for you.
Gemini Mithun, april 2020: Social Life Prediction:
The start of the first week of April may bring you the pleasureof having the company of an honest friend. Relatives too might visit you thistime of the month. Your familial life might be wrangled. During the secondweek, you might have a chance to go on a vacation. Also, you might be cheated byyour friends. The midmonth may bring you luck in such a way that you may findyour reputation or honour soaring. Also, during the third week you may need theaid and assistance of your friends. The rear of the month may bring Therelatives to visit your home. Though you might want to spend time with yourfriends, your friends might turn disloyal to you.
Gemini Mithun, april 2020: Love and Married Life Prediction:
The midmonth may result in confrontations and arguments betweenyou and your partner. For people seeking their better halves, the concludingdays of April might be lucky for you. The confrontations with your partner mayincrease as the days near the end of the month. Though there are prospects ofbetrayal from your lover but at the very end of April, you might be contentwith your love life.