Capricorn House is Ownes by
Saturn (Sani). Moon sign (Rashi)
Capricorn means
that Moon was present in
Capricorn Sign in birth time. If you do not know your moon
sign, Please
generate free Horoscope Prediction to know this. Please note that this
is not Western Sun sign based prediction.
Moon Astro Brings Free monthly report for
Capricorn Moon Sign.This prediction
is based on Indian Vedic Moon sign (Rashi) based astrology.
Capricorn Makara, december 2020: Health Prediction
On the first week you may bleed by someinjury. Also you may be depressed mentally. On the second week you will be fitn fine. In the second week you can be suffering from some physical pain. It maycause you so many disturbances. Your speed of work may be decreased by yourphysical pain. On the last week of the month your body may stay in a mediumcondition. You pain may be lost.
Capricorn Makara, december 2020: Business and Job Prediction
The first week is not the right time forany new good work. You may face some hindrances in your work. In the secondweek you may see the progress of your work. On the third week your enthusiasmwill be high for work. The speed of work will increase in this week. From thisweek you will be able to meet success. In the last week the servicemen may facesome problems. The businessmen will be able to run their work properly.
Capricorn Makara, december 2020: Financial Prediction
The first week may not be goodfinancially. Your spending will increase. But also you will be refunded by yourold client. So your financial crisis will be decrease but you have to borrowsome money from others. In the second week also you may lose some money. Yourearning may be stopped due to some hazards. In the first week their is a chanceof the hike of financial risk in your business. On the last week your financialproblem may be solved but you have to be alert.
Capricorn Makara, december 2020: Educational Prediction
This month may go wrong for the students.The mainly can be suffering from deceases. So their study may be affected. Theywill not be able to do well in their study. The will feel lack of inspiration& motivation. Their energy will be burnt for their health problems. So theyshould be aware of their health. Also there is a possibility of bad result intheir exam as they may not be able to prepare properly for the exams.
Capricorn Makara, december 2020: Social Life Prediction
This month you social life will not be sogood. Your relatives may make conspiracy against you. Your work would bedamaged for them. Even the peace of your family may be gone. A mental unrestwill be in you. You may be involved in some arguments with your near one. Butyou may get some love from your friends who really care for you. You may havesome hidden enemy & they will try to harm you. You may get some fem in yourpolitics but along with that you may be harmed by some political figure.
Capricorn Makara, december 2020: Love and Married Life Prediction
Your marriage life will be in a stablecondition in this month. Though you will face so much other problem but yourrelationships will be in proper way. You can have a share zone with yourpartner & you can be able to discuss your problems & get some solutionfrom your better half. So cherish your relationships without any negativevibes.