Meena Lagna (Pisces
People born with Meena Lagna (Pisces Ascendant) are religious, empathetic, and
loving creatures. These people are emotional and can easily lose their heart on
their failures. If people with Meena Lagna (Pisces Ascendant) face
disappointment in one situation, they move toward the other situation where they
may be appreciated and regain their self esteem. A Meena Lagna (Pisces
Ascendant) is reliable, attractive, good listener, and good advisor. |
People born with Meena Lagna (Pisces Ascendant) have flexible nature and
attitude which makes decision making difficult for them. These people are
usually popular among their groups as they are loyal with everyone in their
intimate relations. Moreover, their easy going nature and compromising their
egos in terrible disputes increase their popularity. They carry misperception
that all others are good like them which may harm them at some point in life.
People born with Meena Lagna (Pisces Ascendant) enjoy their romantic endeavors
with their right partners. They have the ability to make their physical
relationship pleasant with their passion. People with Meena Lagna (Pisces
Ascendant) share features of creativity and parenthood with Zodiac Star Cancer.
They jump into projects and accomplish them at once.
Pisces Ascendant or Meena Lagna is ruled by Planet Jupiter. They are generally
wise and versatile in their character. They are born learner and they keep learning
till they die. Most often they are Guru in one subject and they are good as a teacher,
astrologer, finance planner, etc. They are generally maintaining good reputation
in society and get respected to all.
People belongs to the Pisces Ascendant are very much sensitive. They are fond of
watching dreams. They possess a kind – hearted characteristic.
Natives of this ascendant are flexible. They are not the ones who wish to make their
future plans. They change their minds often. They do not wish to face any ruthless
fact. Hence organization is their weak point.
They are very much touchy and sympathetic that they may turn into their own victims
owing to their enormous susceptibility. Even they may turn into their own enemy.
They do not want argument though the natives are not beyond using calculative game
playing to obtain that they wish.
The person belongs to the Pisces Ascendant search a stable partnership which is
dependable. They have the huge respect for education. They may go to spiritualism
or philosophy. Natives of this Ascendant are fond of travels, games and dancing.
A native of a Pisces Ascendant have a tendency to take drugs. They may suffer from
allergies though it is not serious. Their bodily formation is likely to be less
challenging than the others. They possess an alluring charm which comes on in a
certain way, with a soft quality about them. Their looks and manners are normally
fascinating to the other people.
They are good dress designers, film makers and photographers. Stressful
situations may be the challenging time periods for people with Meena Lagna
(Pisces Ascendant), as they do not know appropriate ways to tackle these
situations. They tend to become aloof in such situations. Fun activities like
watching the movie and reading the book can bring them out from stressful
situation. |