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Astrology and Mother

God has made this universe and Mother. God is in every Mother to show his presence in the universe and makes it heaven. Mother is someone who can do anything to save her children. She gives them the best possible in the cost of her own life. Only this person is not selfish and she always works for the children for no cost.

Mother Astrology

There is no comfortable and secure shelter like the mother. There is no helping hand like the mother. There is no defense like the mother. There is no-one as dear as the mother. There is no love greater than mother's love.

Mother is the creator of the child. Form the very beginning she rears her child in her womb. God is the biggest magician to make this miracle happen.

The 4th house in our birth chart is all about mother in Indian Vedic Mother Astrology. Planet Moon and Saturn have also significance for mother.

Relation with mother depends upon the power of the 4th house in the birth chart and the power of the 4th house lord.

When a new baby is born with a new fate, fate changes for the mother as well as many important things in mother's life influence the child’s planetary potions. Following can be calculated from the child’s birth chart about the mother.

Child's House in Birth Chart Signifies in Mother Astrology
1st House Mother's Career, Mother's Father (Grand father)
2nd House Mother's Earnings
3rd House Mother's Expenses
4th House Mother's Overall life and Mind.
5th House Mother's Bank balance.
6th House Mother's siblings.
7th House Mother's Mother (grand mother), good house, car, vacations.
8th House Mother's Happiness.
9th House Mother's Enemies.
10th House Mother's Business, relation with spouse.
11th House Mother's Health.
12th House Mother's Luck, overseas travels.

Even though these fields are directly related to mother's own horoscope, but it is also influence by child’s planetary positions.

Relationship between the mother and child, respects of the child to the mother, kindness of the mother to the child, health of the mother depends on few factors.

  • Moon's position in the child’s horoscope is the most important factor in Mother Astrology.
  • 5th and 7th House in Mother's horoscope to be considered in Mother Astrology
  • 4th House in Child’s horoscope is a very important house as per Mother Astrology.
  • Position of 4th house Lord in child’s horoscope.
  • Planets in 4th house of the child’s horoscope and power of the plates. Depends on auspicious or malefic nature of the planet result will vary.
  • Planets in the 5th house of the mother. Same way, Depends on auspicious or malefic nature of the planet result will vary.
  • Position of 5th house Lord in mother's horoscope.
  • Nakshtra (Birth star) of mother and child.

All the above mentioned points should be considered to know the Mother Astrology prediction accurately.