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Sunsign Compatibility of
Aquarius boy and Scorpio girl

This combination will not be an easy-going one. Both of you are basically different. You have many friends. But they are not close to you. You require liberty and space in life. Your lover requires privacy. Your honey also has lots of friends. But your honey is very much emotional with them. Your lover is deeply devoted to his or her friends. Aquarius and Scorpio hold different points of view. Aquarius likes to remain detach as Aquarius feels safe in this way. If you go very close to someone then you will be habituated to them. There is a possibility that you may lose your sense in this case. Your lover will ask you the reason to remain detach and having lack of emotions. But you will fall in love with your honeys unbelievable depth of emotion.

Your Scorpio illuminates the house of reputation of you. So, it is clear that your honey will be blissful to your career. Your lover ill give your wise advice. Your honey is excessively instinctive. Scorpio has smart thinking in respect of finance. Hence your lover will provide you the perfect advice to you. If you are going for negotiation then you should ask your lover for your help. Your sweetheart is expert in this. If you love your manager, agent or advisor who provides the helping hands to you for become successful then he or she should be a Scorpio. But wedding is different from this. Still, both of you will be able to go to the similar emotional base.

In respect of physical relation your partner dreams of experiencing the type of zeal which is written in theatre. But Aquarius will not confident to reach at that level. Your partner has to give so much effort to get your mood. Your lover may feel that you are thinking about other matter at the time of physical relation. Hence you will not be able to concentrate on lovemaking. Your honey is jealous and possessive. Aquarius possesses many friends of both genders. If your lover does not sacred about it then it is alright.

It is noticed that many bad combinations get success in future. If both of you are aware of the expectation and requirement of each other then there will be no problem at all. You should ask your lover what you lover wishes most. You must listen sincerely. It is a relation in which you have to give your full effort.

Select Sunsigns

Boy's Sun Sign
Girl's Sun Sign