Know your Moon Sign Or Rashi
Moon Sign or Rashi is the zodiac sign where Moon is placed at the birth time of
the native. Apparently we know that, zodiac is having an elliptical shape. But in
order to carry on with various calculations of astrology, the elliptical shape is
considered as circle. Thus, it becomes really easy to calculate if the circumference
is taken as 360 degree. When the elliptical is divided into 12 equal parts, each
one is known as rashi. The birth of rashi is evenly situated with the position of
What is your Rashi ? What does it means to you? In Vedic astrology Rashi or Moon
sign can reveal many information related to your personality, characters, nature,
behavior, likes or dislikes and your qualities. These information can drive you
to choose right path in your life. Also helps predicting your current fate as Moon
is the most influential planet on one’s life as it is the nearest body from planet
Moon sign or Rashi plays a major role determining compatibility of the native with
everyone the person deals with. It may me the relation with Mother, Father, Brother,
Sister, Wife, Lovers, Friends, Elders, Business partners, Boss, neighbors, etc.
Moon sign or Rashi compatibility helps to choose a long term relationship between
two persons in Indian Vedic astrology.
As per Indian Vedic Astrology, Rashi or Moon SIgn determines one's Nature or
Charecter, likes, dislikes, life path, luck, mental compatibility with person born
in other Rashis.
Without knowing your Rashi, you can not preceed in Indian Astrology. Indian astrologers
provides monthly or daily prediction based on your Rashi or Moon signs.
Indian Astrologer often considers Moon Sign or Rashi as first house and then calculates
the Gochar or Transit results to predict the current time and various aspects of
life with respect to the current transit (gochar) events.
Most of the predictions in Moonastro is done using Indian astrology based pon moon sign or Rashi of the native.
You can calculate your Moon Sign or Rashi here in moonastro for free ...