Education Astrology
With the help of Education Astrology, an astrologer can predict that what kind of
education and profession that a new born would go for. Education Astrology can also
tell the nature of the Native in terms of profession and studies, how intelligent
or artistic the Native will be, what will be the position of the Native in his school
and colleges, and how long the Native will able to pursue studies. An intelligent
boy doesn’t necessarily indicate a successful man.
In Education Astrology, one's birth charts or horoscope can also determine how successful
a man will be in his profession in respect with his intelligence and his educational
As per Education Astrology, various houses in the chart stand for a different meaning
in terms of education and profession. The 4th house is the house of primary education,
i.e., schooling, and indicates how the Native’s primary education would go and what
kind of education it will be.
Here one can determine whether the Native will choose a public or a private environment.
Whether he/she will study in boarding school, whether he/she will home-schooled,
whether there will be any break in school life of the Native or any other topic
dealing with schooling.
In Education Astrology, the
5th house in horoscope stands for secondary educations
and indicates how the studies of the Native will be in college or whether he would
pursue further education. The education and research projects can also be seen here,
if is supported by beneficial planets.
If the 5th house is in association with the
9th house, then the higher education
could occur in a foreign land. These houses can also be used as the cause of any
kind of termination in education or any problems with studies.
There are various kinds of professions that a person could go into: - intellectual,
economist, aesthetic, routine day to day jobs, mechanical, or trade and business.
Which of these professions a person chooses, can be determined through the study
of the positions of various planets.
The economists would have a strong Jupiter in combination with the Sun and the Mercury.
The combinations of Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Moon suggest a career in engineering
or medical field. An electrical field is suggested by the presence of Venus and
For the Native to be associated with electronic media like TV or computers, the
Ketu should be strong. Saturn on the other hand, suggests the jobs related to mining,
leather industry or mineral extraction. The presence of Mars and Mercury in auspicious
positions in the 5th house suggests high qualifications and intellectual positions
for the Native as per Education Astrology.
A strong Venus with Mercury and Rahu suggests aesthetical jobs which include film
actors, directors, musicians, dancers etc. Most of the people fall into the category
of average intelligence and routine jobs. If the 2nd and the 5th house, or their
lords are malefic, the native may have little or no education. But these results
can also be changed by the influence of other planets affecting them or looking
at them.