Marriage is one of the important events of life. The definition of marriage is changed in modern era owing to various lifestyle, different cultures, attitudes and outlook of human and moral values. Due to the union of astrological planetary marriage may take place late in someone’s life.
In the Astrology, mainly 2 planets have the importance in marriage. These are Jupiter and Venus. When Venus and Jupiter are in malefic position then marriage can be late. Rests of the planets also have some roles in marriage.
(1) Importance of Venus in marriage:
Venus is known as the planet of relationship and love. When Venus unites with evil planets such as Sun, Saturn and Ketu or even Saturn aspects Venus then Venus’s energy are damaged. It may lead an individual to late marriage.
Retro gradation, debilitation and combustion of Venus make it tough for a native to take any decision regarding marriage. When Venus is located in Leo then marriage can be delayed as Sun is the foe of Venus. When Venus is overplayed between evil planet Sun and Saturn then it will lead a late marriage. These planets infuse their evil effect on Venus.
(2) Importance of Jupiter in marriage:
Jupiter has much importance in our life. Jupiter has the control over children, marriage, wisdom, fortune and higher knowledge. If an individual’s Jupiter is retrograded, combusted or debilitated then it will delay his marriage. It will also create inharmoniousness in nuptial life.
(3) Planets in 7th house:
The 7th house is the most important house regarding marriage. Individual’s marriage depends on which planet governs, sits and aspects 7th house.
(4) Importance of Saturn in 7th house:
Saturn teaches lesson in an individual’s life. Saturn teaches lesson a native till its return from other’s places. After the return of Saturn a native takes right decision and gets matured. If Saturn aspects or is sitting on 7th house then it will lead a late marriage. Even Saturn is sitting with Venus or Jupiter it will also happen. Saturn governs over 7th house in case of Cancer and Leo. Hence, they must delay their marriages or else they will face separation.
(5) Importance of Sun in marriage:
If Sun aspects or is sitting on 7th house it will provide a late marriage. Native will have the problems of ego in relationship.
(6) Importance of Mars in marriage:
Mars is known as planet of fighting. When Mars aspects or is sitting on 7th house then native must delay his marriage or else it will create problem in nuptial life. Native must marry after he turns 28 as energy of Mars gets matured at the age 28.
(7) Importance of Rahu in marriage:
Rahu is very much compulsive and obsessive. It will lead a person to an unlawful marriage. When Rahu sits on 7th house then it makes individual to attract strongly and makes him obsessive. It will be the reason for his early marriage. But the native will get separated after the illusion gets over as Rahu is illusion. Those who have Rahu in their 7th house must think prudently before marriage.
(8) Importance of Ketu in marriage:
Ketu is not interested and wanted to stay detach from materialistic world. So, if Ketu is located at 7th house then the native will not be interested in nuptial relationship if not Venus or Jupiter aspect Ketu.
2nd and 4th house stands for family. If evil planets such as Sun, Saturn or Moon is sitting along with Ketu on 2nd

   Hiren (Delhi, India)
18th May, 2015 5:30 AM
Awesome Articles; all of them were very much near to truth and got real time pics. of predictions...!!
Fully appreciate, 2 thumps up...for you people....!

   dr AdettiwarPhD,PGA MBA (Bangalore, Karnataka, India)
4th June, 2015 2:49 AM
Very much experienced and studious article.The planetory explanation in regard to their effect is also very good and understndable.
I hope this will help and guide to practicing and learning astrologers
Best of luck folks.

   Dr.Adettiwar (Bangalore, Karnataka, India)
4th June, 2015 2:54 AM
Please correct address Pune not Bangalore karnataka.
Thanks regards.
Dr Adettiwar.
Jyotish bhaskar

   Ganesh (Jaipur, Rajasthan, India)
23rd September, 2015 10:45 PM
Rahu sits in 7'th house and Saturn is in 8'th house from Gemini ascendant. And Mars, Jupiter, Venus are co-joined together in 2'nd house.

   Y M WADEKAR (Mumbai, India)
5th April, 2016 10:54 PM

   NETRAVATI (Secunderabad, Andhra, India)
16th July, 2016 2:12 AM
TIME 8.30

   Aravind (Jaipur, Rajasthan, India)
7th September, 2016 3:51 AM
very good article

   Dashrath singh (Hartford, United States)
18th November, 2016 10:42 AM
When i will got married

   manish (Seoul, Korea)
12th January, 2017 3:46 AM
date of birth 07/ 02/ 1986 time : 20:32, birth place- Beas ,district-Amritsar, pl. give details time of marriage

   Devi (Middletown, United States)
11th March, 2017 8:56 AM
Dear sir.
Kindly advice about my marriage. 27.dec.1975. morning 9.45 am in Madurai tamilnadu.

14th November, 2017 9:15 AM
Moon and Saturn in 7th house in Cancer. No planet is aspecting 7th house. When will be the marriage.

   Uzma akhtar
8th December, 2017 11:49 AM
I want to ask why i hv to face problms in marrage maters
When i get married my DOB is 23/4/1981
plz ans

31st August, 2018 8:34 PM
super explanation. but i would like you to explain when the persons will get married should be explained too

23rd May, 2019 12:20 AM
all are fake comments