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11 Reasons in Astrology for Multiple Marriages

11 Reasons in Astrology for Multiple Marriages
In the present scenario there are many examples of divorce for financial, physical or commercial reasons. Now a day females are raised in a liberal thinking in family. They are educated enough. They possess lots of awareness. And men know that. Women go to watch move independently. They read magazines, newspapers. In spite of that there are few regular burdens in horoscope which may lead to second marriage or separation.

Hidden Astro-rules for Re-marriage:

  • If there is two signs which is rising in the 7th house.
  • 7th owner is located in Dual sign that is Pisces, Sagittarius, Virgo and Gemini.
  • If Venus is placed in Dual Sign.
  • If malefic planets are controlling the 7th lord or 7th house.
  • If there is more than two planets in the 11th house.
When will 2nd marriage take place?

1. 2nd 7th and 11th houses besides Venus and Lagna are to be studied carefully for separation or family union. 2nd house represent family. 7th house represents 1st spouse. 11th house represents second house.

2. If the owner of the 2nd or 12th captures the 3rd house or aspect by the 9th lord or Jupiter then an individual may get another chance to marriage as his 1st marriage may be unsuccessful.

3. If the owner of the 7th house is located in 4th house or owner of the 9th house, this is placed in 7th house.

4. When Mars, Saturn or Rahu captures the 7th and 8th houses without the aspect of good planet then there is probability of losing spouse. It indicates the chance of 2nd marriage.

5. If Venus is weak either is Navamsa or Rashi or related to a bad planet then there is an opportunity of 2nd marriage. In this situation if the owner of the 7th is not active then remarriage will not happen.

6. When 2nd and 7th both houses are affected then there is a chance of losing spouse. Hence chances of remarriage will appear.

7. If the owner of the 7th is located in bad place such as 6th, 8th or 12th and a malefic planet such as Mars, Rahu or Saturn captures the 7th house besides Venus is weak with a natural positive planet then there is a chance of 2nd marriage.

8. When Venus is located in even Rashi and the lord of the house is exalted then there is a probability of 2nd marriage.

9. When Mars unites with Venus and captures the 7th house, owner of the house is placed in 8th house and Saturn is located in the 12th house then 2nd marriage may take place.

10. If the owner of the 7th house is weak or in a retrograde condition then there is a chance of remarriage.

11. When 7th and 8th houses are captured by malefic planets with bad aspects and Mars is located in the 12th house then Spouse may be lost. It will bring an opportunity for 2nd marriage.

Astro-indices for Re-marriage of female: If Saturn is located in 7th and Sun is in Trine. If 4th and 12th both houses are in trouble. When aspect of Guru on Moon or combination of Guru and Moon in 12th house. If there is a suffering to the owners of 2nd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 12th houses from Moon and ascendant.


   M Satyanarayana (Mumbai, India)
2nd January, 2016 10:28 PM

Suggest change from italics to normal and colour to black It is very difficult to read what u poster. Thanks

   SANJEEV CHOPRA (Chandigarh, India)
12th February, 2016 7:18 AM


   Abdul Laffir (Jakarta, Indonesia)
15th February, 2016 5:12 AM

Hi ,I want to know my second marriage.My details are D.O.B : 20/Jun/1985 Birthplace : Trichy Tamil Nadu and India Time :12.50 Sign : Gemini.Email me to [email protected]

   Tumpa das (Chino Hills, United States)
29th February, 2016 6:51 PM

My DoB-15March1995,Birth time-8:20am,when i got marriag,actual year,love/arrang marriag,face to any problem in future.

25th April, 2016 4:06 AM

My dob 17/07/1979 time 09:15pm want to know about second marriage in my kundli

   vandana (Maisuru, India)
13th June, 2016 3:01 AM

my date of birth 28/10/1981 8.00 pm secundrebad want to know about my second marriage in my kundli

   abuthahir (Chino Hills, United States)
14th July, 2016 11:29 PM

in any second marriage in my life when

   saurav kumar (Madras, Tamilnadu, India)
5th September, 2016 9:35 PM

Respected sir/madam. i want to know about my second marriage. i m already marrige from last 1o years. but there is no good relation between us. my date of birth is 18/11/1980 06:35 pm. so please tell me i will be thankful to you for this.

   saurav kumar (Madras, Tamilnadu, India)
5th September, 2016 9:36 PM

Respected sir/madam. i want to know about my second marriage. i m already marrige from last 1o years. but there is no good relation between us. my date of birth is 18/11/1980 06:35 pm. so please tell me i will be thankful to you for this. emaild: [email protected]

   saritha (Middletown, United States)
7th September, 2016 10:30 AM

I was divorced and looking for remarriage Dob:12-4-83

19th October, 2016 11:07 PM

Dob:12-09-1988 tob:14:30 I was divorced why it happened in my kundali any dosha is there please tell sir what about my second marriage when will it happend I'm looking for a good husband please tell me my married life is good or bad and also I have health problems please tell me sir my married life,heath and childern

   Riddhi (Warrington, United Kingdom)
25th October, 2016 10:58 PM

Dob:10/10/1990..time:1:55pm..place:Ahmedabad. Divorse in my kundli????? If yes than Second mairrage in my kundli????

   Pabu dheer (Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India)
19th December, 2016 11:20 AM

Sir, My DOB is 3 Jan 1986. Time 4:25am Place :Barmer( Rajasthan). Want to know is there divorce in my kundli? What is possiblities of divorce in my kundli? How much time it take?

   Nisa (Panadura, Sri Lanka)
4th January, 2017 9:32 PM

Sir my DOB is 24 August 1983. Time 2.25pm. Place - Colombo Sri Lanka. Want to know whether is there a divorce in my horoscope. are there any possibilities of remarriage?

   Yogeshwari Naidu (Mumbai, India)
30th March, 2017 5:18 AM

Hi I am Yogeshwari I want to know if their is a second marriage in my life. DOB :21 May 1981 Birth time: 11:55pm Birth place:Chennai Thank you

   srinivas (Lamba, India)
10th April, 2017 4:06 AM

HiIam rinivas.I want to know about mysecond marriage.DOB:25-03-1987Time:10:45 Am ..place: tenali Andhrapredesh. Please mail me the [email protected] Thank you.

13th April, 2017 1:12 AM

Hii i am archana i want to know about my marriage life ahead LOVE MARRIAGE OR ARRANGE now i am unmarried.DOB: 15/02/1992 PLACE MUMBAI AND TIME 11.50 AM

   Prakash (Ottawa, Canada)
21st April, 2017 12:05 AM

I want to know about my daughters marrige time and is there any dosha about it? Dob- 8/2/1993 Tob- 7.33am Pob-Mumbai Regards

26th June, 2017 4:37 AM

dob 5 nov 1990,tob: 8.51 am ,pob: jagraon,punjab,india i want to know is dere scond marriage?? when will my marriage take place??

28th October, 2017 8:49 AM

I want to know about my divorce and 2nd marriage possibility. Currently, I am awaiting for divorce. My details DOB- 9th of May 1987 at 5:30 am Calcutta.

25th August, 2018 2:37 AM

hi i m vaibhav i want to know about my 2nd marrage if there is a chance for it DOB 26/06/1983 TIME 21;45 PLACE SANGLI MY EMAIL [email protected]

   Puneet Khullar
3rd May, 2019 8:40 AM

Sir, I want to know about my marriage.will it be a happy one or not.My Dob:-27/02/1983.Time:-04:04 A.M.Place:- Jammu.My E-mail id.puneetkhullar45#gmail.com

   Rushikesh Pandit
17th August, 2019 4:21 AM

I want to know if divorce is in kindali My birth details Dob-8-apr-81, time 6.00 pm, place- solapur Wife birth details Name-sujata, dob-14dec-1986, time 7.30 am, place - aurangabad-maharashtra

1st September, 2019 2:54 PM

Please tell me when will I get divorced and chances of 2nd marriage Date 20 01 1985 Time 14.07 Place Kanpur UP Email- [email protected]

24th March, 2022 11:25 AM


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