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Sunsign Compatibility of
Virgo boy and Capricorn girl

Capricorn will be an excellent partner for a Virgo native. Virgo as well as Capricorn is earth element. Both of you are sensitive. Most of the subjects are similar between a Virgo and Capricorn. Capricorn hardly fails to reach at the zenith in the profession. Virgo is a laborious worker. Virgos height of the productivity is measured at the end of the day. Virgos sign is a sign of prejudice. Virgo should not attempt to work excessively in all cases with Capricorn. Both of you are very much obliges so that Virgo as well as Capricorn will forget the requirement of fun in life. Excessive work may cause a problem in this combination.

Virgo and Capricorn have an interest in meeting with successful personalities. Both of you get inspired from them. Capricorn has the great networking power. So it is likely that Capricorn will meet with influential personalities in life.

Neither Virgo nor Capricorn wishes to let each other down. Both of you will spend a busy life. If Capricorn fails to keep his or her promise or responsibility then Virgos trust in his or her lover breaks. Capricorn as well as Virgo is realistic. Both possess a good sense of humor.

The planet Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn. Capricorn is not excessive emotional in the outer way. But Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury. Hence Virgo will realize the feelings of a Capricorn native. Virgo possesses distinct vision which helps a Virgo to go in details. Capricorn will be highly thankful to Virgo as he or she feels the mind of a Capricorn. This pair will be mature and wealthy one. It will be based on a mutual understanding. It has a powerful perception to realize the future. Virgo and Capricorn have serious viewpoint on life. But the life of you two will not be boring at all. The reason is both of possess high objective.

At the time of feeling, Virgo will disclose his or her deepest affection and love to Capricorn as Capricorn sets up a trust in Virgo. Capricorn will not criticize a Virgo. Other sign finds that Virgo is too much reserve and shy. But Capricorn has not any problem with Virgo. In respect of physical relation Virgo as well as Capricorn likes to go slowly. It will make this pair strong. Once connected, then neither Virgo nor Capricorn will look at any other combination. The native of earth sign is partner for life. The loyalty of earth sign is very strong. So try it Virgo.

Select Sunsigns

Boy's Sun Sign
Girl's Sun Sign